Greetings, humans from Earth! You have stepped in the online abode of (Tina Chua, Xiao Bai Tu), which houses his/her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @ 6:05 PM

ha, my O levels... finally, really finally come to an end le...
so happy...

can take a long break liao... whahaha!!!! i'm flyin.... feelin so gd man...

hmm... i really felt i fat le... sad sad... must really try to slim down le... =)
hmmm... most of my frenz r tryin to find jobs aft exam le... haiz, i dun think i can find a job.. cos of my trainin, etc... no choice, hav to work at my dad's shop to earn extra $$... felt bad sia like earnin own family's $.. but no choice...

haiz... my hp nowdays very siao lor... the button spoilt liao... some time can type, sometimes cannot.. so pissed off over it... dunno whether can change phone or not... i wan sony ericson de.. but too x... onli can afford Nokia ba... hmmm... do u all think N3230 gd??? give my some commends... tks...

today, aft sch i went to hair (or rather trim ba) with jh... then went hme bath.. proceed to jer's hse to makan dinner... her mum cooked for us... there's abt 8 of us ba... at there watched tv, play cards again lolz... die man, later kana hook on "cards" sia... ha.. not me la, i mean them... =x

hmmm... ha juz nw i DL maple... think tat sometimes at hme will hav nth to do.. so DL to play play lor.. anyway jh keeps askin me to play... no harm tryin...

Ya, exam finally finished liao... ha..
i WAnna play BasKEtBALL
earn money
relax myself
c sky
go out with my frenz
a lot alot more...
oh ya, clear my stuff...

end here liao... Nitez...
tml oh sry should be later going to sentosa with 3-some.. hope there's sun...