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You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
3 jan wed...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 @ 6:13 PM

yoyoyo.. i'm BACK... anyone miss me? i guess not ba... ppl seldom view my blog de... =(
ok, let's change subject...
hmmm.. haha... nw tokin abt my tpjc orientation... it's been two day le...
yesterday, went to tat sch kind of lost... so blur.. haha... hear some talks... gt to know some frenz... then we hav played games... went some introdution lecture too... i gt to c my tpjc leader... yong p... ha (can't said full name in case someone know him)... he looks a bit gal gal =x, a bit short for guyz... ha but no offence hor... another was nora, a cheerful gal ba... there r some more OGL lookin aft my grp the bees gees grp.21... ha... end at ard 4 plus, then my dad came to fetch me hme...
aft changin i went to skcc to mit shwee... kind of tired man... waited till ard 7, fomei n tansy then came... so we played bb of cos... so happy gt to play bb le... seemed very long since i touched bb liao... dunno y, although it's kind of a few days onli... haha... suat kim came too... but quite later... played till ard 9, i n shwee went to eat 3in1 n then took bus hme... tired for the day...
today, as usual mit jac at bus stop... then go to the same hall... at first was some dance... then hav couple dance lor... quite shy man.. but no choice hav to dance... haha... quite fun ba...
all i know was tat today hav DAMN lots of introduction lectures... on diff sub de... very sianz... sit till my bum hurts man... ard 4 then end..
we hav group photo takin today... both today n yesterday my grp the bee gees hav try to learn new cheers for our teams... my team not very "N 2" la... so not very fun...
know wat? my team's cheer was kind of ah beng type de lor... ha mostly hokkien de... lolz... we r called the "Bee Gees Tong"... funny rite?
let u read my bee gees's cheer:
ow ow bee gees ow
bee gees bee gees bo beh zao*clap*
bee gess gogo gogo
bee gees bee gees pa busy toh
buay song lai, qi kua bai
bee gees bee gees kia zai zai
OGL: bee gees ho bo ho?
OGL: bee gees pa buay toh
OGMs: Swee ah!
kia~~~~~~BEE GEES!!
ha, funny? very beng rite? =x.. dun anyhow tell ppl...
oh ya, my OGL, yp, cut his hair liao... much better le.. not gal liao.. haha... a bit spike le.. nice..
hmmm... wat to say ne?
oh ok... i still dunno wat sub to choose to study in jc de...
*thinkin in progress*...
knew quite a few frenz in durin the orientation... but not very gd la... juz tok a little..
but one of them, esther, do tok a lot =x... haha... jkjk... no offence...
aft sch, i went to inter to mit gerlyn to get our "self design shirt", not bad man... nice...
but expensive sia.. 30.90 dollars...
then i went hme le... a bit tired...
tat's all... tml will be for fun in tpjc... cos hav WET games... omg hav to get prepare in case gt sabo by the OGLsss... haha... think mostly likely will...= o
nw is 3 jan, 6.40pm