Greetings, humans from Earth! You have stepped in the online abode of (Tina Chua, Xiao Bai Tu), which
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You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
21 july FRIDAY!
Saturday, July 22, 2006 @ 1:24 AM
22 july, 1.21am... bloggin for 21 jul friday!
i'm back home for like 45 mins ago...
finally handed up my final sculpture for 3D art fun. felt so relax!!
today went sch at ard noon, n mdm tia came in n started to rush everyone to get their sculpture ready display n stuff.
we started moved our sculpture outside the studio, n displayed along the corridoor as there's not enough room for display.
after we r done. another lecturer i think, suggested to move our stuff to ground level!
sianed la.. ha.. no choice, we quickly to move again.
area of the exhibits.
MY sculpture... "hoop of corrugated"
SEE Some of my frenz's sculpture...
cool rite?!
aft tat, at ard 2 plus to 3 then we started to begin presentating. hmmm really hope my scuplture wun be destroy by next week.
left sch at ard 3.45, n went to meet k n proceed to somerset to mit fish n jh.
finally gt to meet my buddies le. so happy!
can we make friday buddies daY?!?!...
went cine to buy ticket. watch poc again, kind of bored le =x
before watchin we went to LJS for a bite.
aft tat, we went to a HK resturant in cine for dinner.

then k n me,headed to jh's hse.
tok quite a lot! i like it, as we gt to hav heart to heart tok. till 12 plus k's sis came n fetch me hme! ty sis.. haha.

felt gd to hav frenz to tok to!
in life we really hav to stay happy n do wat we can do everyday.
i love ALL my frenz n family.
hav any problem can find me. =)
gt to say a random thing!
i felt tat i'm gettin fatter.. eat so much! hav to be on diet!!! really...
must try to eat lesson le. ha.