Greetings, humans from Earth! You have stepped in the online abode of (Tina Chua, Xiao Bai Tu), which
houses his/her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
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You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
leap year? hmmm..
Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
leap year today, and i'm having my third driving test... everything just seems not right haiz...
nv sleep well in the morning although i turn in early...
morning was f***ing cold, shivered during bath (think i'm influence to bad words le sia =x)
hav "fu" to keep by my side as well as fu to be eaten.
in the end, you guess what? i eat the wrong fu, so ended up i ate both. feeling a bit weird.
On my way for driving lesson which is from 8.30am to ten am, my test (which i though) is at 10.15am
In the bus, i suddenly went to check the recipt for the test, it's on 9.15am! NOT 10.15am!!
gosh, i immediatly rushed to meet my instructor and told him.
there's goes my test...
Congras to a lousy fellow who failed her pratical test the third time on a leap year day.
BOO~ i hit the kerb when turning out to road. gosh...
sorry not trying to seem lousy just FEELLLLL so ARGH...
don't know what to say.
dad have high hope on me this time, and i just lose the chance... ************************************************************************************** just feel like using different words you can find to scold myself but i didn't.
dad came to fetch me home, tense in the car haiz..
just silence.
reached home... went for a run, and i'm better!
meet hz in sch, pengz teachin abt HD
meet mei at 2 plus to find props.
walked to several places... like concourse, bras basah, spotlight at ps...
boo only managed to get a lion mask.
on the way to concourse

walked for the entire journey...
took 518 home, stand aLLL the way too... Zzz...
feel that there's a lot of things to do can i have my holidays?